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La revue à J+15 – AWS Training and Certification - Programme : Architecting on AWS version 6

Nom du candidat *

Adresse email pour le résultat du test *

ARC601 – Which act is part of the Security perspective of the Well-Architecting Framework? *

ARC602 – The maximum size of a file that you can upload by using the Amazon S3 console is? *

ARC603 – What is the best volume type EBS for logs processing? *

ARC604 – What is the best service if you have multiple Windows instances that need to use the same file system storage? *

ARC605 – Which following assumptions are true? *

ARC606 – Which database can be queried with SQL-like language? *

ARC607 – An EC2 instance at AWS can communicate with the Internet using? *

ARC608 – What are the network IP configurations supported by a VPC? *

ARC609 – Which statements are correct about NACLs? *

ARC610 – How many Gbps throughput max per VPN tunnel a Direct Connect’s AWS Managed VPN supports? *

ARC611 – The Application Load Balancer supports? *

ARC612 – What are the components needed to build a Global Accelerator? *

ARC613 – What does the following policy for Amazon EC2 do? { “Statement”: [{ “Effect”:”Allow”, “Action”:”ec2: Describe*”, “Resource”:”*” } *

ARC614 – Which technique can be used to integrate AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) with an on-premises LDAP (Light Weight Directory Access Protocol) directory service? *

ARC615 – What are the HA factors? *

ARC616 – What is the minimum confidence interval for Cost Explorer forecasts? *

ARC617 – With Cloudwatch event processing, which targets can be designated? *

ARC618 – Find the existing purchasing strategies of Autoscalling EC2 fleets *

ARC619 – What services or technologies can be used to increase the quality of service in the case of web activity scaling? *

ARC620 – In which scenarios is the use of Amazon SQS recommended? *

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