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La revue à J+15 – AWS Training and Certification - Programme : DevOps Engineering on AWS version 2

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DEVOPS201 – What is the goal of DevOps? *

DEVOPS202 – 2 What metric is not a DevOps metric? *

DEVOPS203 – Which default output format is not supported when configuring AWS CLI? *

DEVOPS204 – You are logged in on a Linux jump box and you want to describe all instances, and return all instance IDs and AMI IDs, but only show the tag value where the tag key is "Application". What is the correct syntax? *

DEVOPS205 – what are the common scenarios for using temporary credentials? *

DEVOPS206 – Which feature enables you to test the effects of an AWS IAM access control policies? *

DEVOPS207 – Which continuous deployment strategy allows an instant cutover from the current system to the new system after the new system is created and verified? *

DEVOPS208 – Which section of the AWS CloudFormation template is required? *

DEVOPS209 –Which feature provides secure storage for configuration data such as passwords, database strings and license codes? *

DEVOPS210 – Which CloudFormation helper script is used to retrieve and interpret resource metadata, install packages, create files, and start services? *

DEVOPS211 – You want to deploy an AWS Lambda compute platform with AWS CodeDeploy. You have the ability to move traffic in three different ways during a deployment. Which of these predefined configurations is not a predefined configuration available for AWS Lambda deployments? *

DEVOPS212 – In a AWS CodeStar Project, your role is to add or remove team members, contribute code or delete the projet. Which is your role? *

DEVOPS213 – You deploy a Windows Stack with AWS OpsWorks Stacks and you want to monitor this entire stack with Amazon CloudWatch. Which metrics for the entire stack can’t be display on the Monitoring page? *

DEVOPS214 – Which feature is not an AWS Systems Manager feature? *

DEVOPS215 – Which action doesn’t exist in the Automation document for AMI patching process? *

DEVOPS216 – Which instruction initializes a new build stage and sets the Base Image for subsequent instructions? *

DEVOPS217 – A task placement strategy is an algorithm for selecting instances for task placement or tasks for termination. Select the task placement strategie not suported by Amazon ECS *

DEVOPS218 – Select the service that allows you to test that security meets standards? *

DEVOPS219 – Which AWS IAM policy you must select to allow users access to all of the functionality of CodeCommit and repository-related resources, except it does not allow them to delete CodeCommit repositories or create or delete repository-related resources in other AWS services? *

DEVOPS220 – You want to create a Build Project in CodeBuild, using AWS CLI. Which command you must launch? *

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